Skin Care Recommendations

Not sure what to buy?! Select a link from the below recommendations based on common concerns and see the reviews below. What type of skin issues do you have? Find out which products are best for you, or see the amazing photo reviews!


Uneven Skin Tone

You always hear that uneven skin tone needs special care, most importantly it requires consistent cell turnover to bring new layers to the surface, whicle fading acne marks, sunspots and blemishes. Our Liyalan Tumeric Face Skin Care Suite is a complete set that is great for all skin types.You also may want to tighten pores and remove sun spots using the Beauty Pit Complete Facial Serum.

Dry, Dull Skin

Dull and dry skin can make makeup more visible and make skin look rough. Balancing your skin with our 24K Gold Royal Serum that adds Vitamins A, C, E, 24K Gold, Peptides, and Hyrulonate Acid that make your skin smooth and soft. The Watermelon Sleeping Mask by Carvenchy is a classic no-brainer to go moisture booster with its amazing formula that is a consunmer favorite. 

Acne, Oily Skin and Blackheads

Acne and blackheads are a common nuisance in the beauty community, ruining photos, zapping confidence and leaving large pores behind. The Liyalan Tumeric Face Skin Care Suite is a great complete set to treat, prevent and heal acne, and great stand-alone product is the Beauty Pit Mask Stick  that will treat and prevent acne and deep clean your pores. 

Large Pores

The most agressive skin issue that seems to take the longest to fix is large pores. Nobody wants to spend time trying to shrink holes in your face, or hiding them in makeup. The 24K Gold Royal Serum gently shrinks pores while fortifying the skin with  Vitamins A, C, E, 24K Gold, Peptides, and Hyaluronic Acid that make your skin smooth and soft. Lanbena Pore Shrink Treatment is a effective popular seller for pore shrinking.


One thing we are all going to do, is age. However Beauty Pit is here to take the visual out of it. Our most intensive wrinkle treatment is the EElhoe Anti-Wrinkle Fine Line Eraser, which is filled with wrinkle fighting peptides for instant gratification in making wrinkles disappear. The reviews speak for themselves,  and we would love to see you be the next success story. Other great products to fight wrinkles are 24K Gold Royal Serum, and Beauty Pit Complete Facial Serum

Sun Spots & Malasma

Working your way through all the beauty products that promise to fix the challenging fading of sun spots and malasma could be stressful, so we are confident you will be relieved to see the customer reviews on both Beauty Pit Complete Facial Serum and EElhoe Anti-Wrinkle Fine Line Eraser.